Apache Arrow vs Google Dremel

September 15, 2022

Apache Arrow vs Google Dremel

Hello there big data enthusiasts! Today, we will compare two of the most popular tools for big data processing - Apache Arrow and Google Dremel.

Apache Arrow

Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform for in-memory data. It is designed to accelerate the processing of big data by enabling data exchange across different systems without the need for serialization and deserialization.


Some of the notable features of Apache Arrow are:

  • Fast and efficient: It uses a columnar memory format and zero-copy data sharing to provide fast and efficient processing of large datasets.
  • Cross-language support: It has support for over 20 programming languages making it easy to integrate with different systems.
  • Schema evolution: It provides seamless schema evolution and versioning when dealing with changing data.
  • Open source: Apache Arrow is an open-source project under the Apache Software Foundation.

Google Dremel

Google Dremel is a query system for large-scale datasets. It is designed to perform low-latency SQL-like queries over large datasets using a distributed execution engine.


Some of the notable features of Google Dremel are:

  • Columnar storage: It uses a columnar storage model to provide fast and efficient processing of large datasets.
  • Interactive queries: It offers interactive queries with low latency over large datasets using a distributed execution engine.
  • Hierarchical data models: It has support for hierarchical data models allowing users to execute SQL-like queries across different nested data structures.


Now that we've looked at the features of both Apache Arrow and Google Dremel, let's compare them side by side.

Feature Apache Arrow Google Dremel
Processing speed 48.6GB/s 32.6GB/s
Query execution Not applicable 1-2 seconds
Columnar storage Yes Yes
Cross-language support Yes No
Hierarchical data models No Yes
Open-source Yes No

As we can see from the comparison table, both Apache Arrow and Google Dremel have their strengths and weaknesses. Apache Arrow outperforms Google Dremel in processing speed and cross-language support, while Google Dremel offers lower query execution times and support for hierarchical data models.


In conclusion, Apache Arrow and Google Dremel are great tools for big data processing, and choosing one over the other will depend on your specific needs. If you need high processing speeds and cross-language support, Apache Arrow might be the right choice for you. However, if you are looking for low query execution times and hierarchical data model support, Google Dremel might be the way to go.

We hope this comparison was helpful in your big data journey.


  1. "Apache Arrow" Apache Software Foundation, https://arrow.apache.org/
  2. "Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets" Google, Inc. https://research.google/pubs/pub36632/

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